New page4 blog-module is online


Grab a pen and get started!


Nothing can stop you now; effective immediately, you can now post whatever you want your visitors to know. We are certain that many potential readers are awaiting your posts; page4 offers the option of writing ‘in preparation’ and decide when these articles will be published.

You are also able to create a password to protect your blog from unwanted views - a single mouse click will activate this option.

Are you excited? Let us quickly show you where to find the blog.




The blog - the online diary in page4


Clicking the menu item “Blog” (1) will open the blog-administration window. We have removed the previous sub-menus as these were no longer needed; all options are now accessible in the management section.

More info on how to activate the blog can be found in our Online-Help section a.s.a.p. This is also where you decide on the parameters of the blog; further explanations can also be found in our Online-Help a.s.a.p.

A few important points:
We differentiate between “Draft”, “Published” and “Planned”. All drafts will remain invisible to your visitors. A published article remains a planned article as long as the set date has not been reached. Planned articles will be visible only when the set date has been reached; until that time, they will be stored and marked as ‘Planned”. Only articles that have been published are visible. Dated articles will be published automatically on the desired date.


Tags. In our old blog, the tags were entered into the field and separated by commas. With the new system, merely enter the tags into the field and Press “return”. This will add that tag into the list. Please do not separate multiple tags by commas.



Images in the blog:
An additional note  - the old blog still used the old ’Tiny” and an older image selection (1) where you could upload images. We have changed this for good reason. If you now click an image in ’Tiny’ the respective dialog opens and button (2) appears with which you can directly upload images for your computer. If this button is not visible, please empty the browser’s cache.

Enough words - have fun blogging!
As mentioned extensive information and instructions can be found in our Online-Help and may we recommend to re-read the Article “Proper blogging to attract more visitors”.

Have fun!

Manfred F. Schreyer
and the entire page4 team


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